Splendour Yellow Freesia Bouquet

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A Luxurious Bouquet, Perfect for any Occasion Our Splendour Yellow Freesia Bouquet is a luxurious affair indeed with at stems of vibrant yellow freesia flowers, carefully hand-tied by our team of expe... Read more

£ 35,99 Order from
A Luxurious Bouquet, Perfect for any Occasion Our Splendour Yellow Freesia Bouquet is a luxurious affair indeed with at stems of vibrant yellow freesia flowers, carefully hand-tied by our team of expert florists. These gorgeous yellow freesia would make for a lovely surprise for mother's day, birthdays, congratulations, to say thank you, or any other special occasion. Freesia are renowned for their distinctive scent which will immediately greet you upon entering any room in which these flowers are placed. This bountiful and eye-catching deluxe flower bouquet is available for express delivery and will be delivered next working day as standard.The Splendour Yellow Freesia Bouquet comes packaged in our signature flower delivery box to ensure they reach you in utterly immaculate condition.