6 Pink Roses Bouquet

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Six Perfect Pink Roses with Fresh White Gypsophila The 6 Pink Roses Bouquet is an eye-catching and pretty arrangement presented amidst a collection of lovely white gypsophila. Great for an anniversary... Read more

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Six Perfect Pink Roses with Fresh White Gypsophila The 6 Pink Roses Bouquet is an eye-catching and pretty arrangement presented amidst a collection of lovely white gypsophila. Great for an anniversary or for mum on Mother's Day, this sweet bouquet offers instant happiness. It's also ideal as a Valentine's surprise to woo a crush or remind your better half just how special they are to you. Consisting of six high grade pink roses complemented by white gypsophila and perfectly finished with lush green leaves, this bouquet will capture attention and evoke admiration wherever it goes. Send as a gift, or arrange the 6 Pink Roses Bouquet in a vase within your own home to create a fabulous floral focal point. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. Next working day delivery is completely free of charge.